This is a country steeped in history and ritual is a part of everyday life. One of the rituals that I came to love was the drawing of designs on the doorsteps of houses by the women and girls of the household. These drawings are particularly popular in Southern India and are called Rangoli or Kolam. It was while we were staying in Hampi that I learned how to draw my first Rangoli. You begin by constructing an isometric grid using pinches of salt. Then you join the dots using a mixture of ground rice powder to create your designs. During religious festivals, these drawings are coloured in with brightly coloured powders.

My prefered kolams are not the big, elaborate ones, but those ones, drawn sometimes in haste but always with love, by the housewife or one of her daughters *each early morning* after having cleaned and washed the doorsteps - one of the lovely aspects of south Indian culture...
(Quoting some sentences from the Wiki page "Every morning in southern India, millions of women draw kolams on the ground with white rice powder. Through the day, the drawings get walked on, rained out, or blown around in the wind; new ones are made the next day. Every morning before sunrise, the floor is cleaned with water, the universal purifier, and the muddy floor is swept well for an even surface".On festive occasions, colourful and elaborate "rangolis" are drawn instead of those humble and often simple "kolams", but it's the latter ones that I really prefer.

My next post is all about the bling - Bollywood influence, richly elaborate wedding costumes and over the top accessories to die for. Although my Rangoli style is 'Less is more', I still love the opulence and glamour of Indian attire. I think that there is a Bollywood princess inside all of us!

Images of Rangolis by Catherine - see full set on Flickr -
Image above by Tariq Tahir - see more images on Flickr -
Image of Taj Mahal via WeHeartIt
You're right, India does have TONS of history....but come on man, if you've been to any of the urban places, especially bangalore, which is where I live, people are a bit too busy , even women , to be drawing rangolis...I don't know much about rural areas, though.....
Hi there - thanks for your comment!
Yes, most of the Rangolis we saw were in more rural areas of Southern India or in larger cities, more elaborate designs were drawn up for special festivals.
I understand that India is a country of great contrasts - wealthy versus poor, rural versus highly modern and populated cities. This is one of the most appealing qualities for me.
I hope you enjoy the blog!
It is so nice to hear your story about your career change. I def. understand how India could have such a huge impact on you. Everytime I visit I want to go into fashion design, but I haven't had the courage like you to go back to school! But, I hope one day I do get that courage!!
Also, I just started a blog about Weddings and once I get to a rangoli post, I am def. going to keep you in mind.
Check it out-
Thanks for the lovely comment - it really made my day! I've checked out your blog and love it - I'll be adding it to my favourites to check out regularly x
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